By 5pst

Attend a free information session and mini workshop!

(This is an open session available to the general public. While registered students are welcome to attend it is NOT a required class for their Reiki Certification training.)

Class Description

During this informative and fun evening we will discuss the general philosophies and science behind energy healing (Reiki being one style) as well as participate in mini healing sessions offered by myself to show you, in real time, how power this gentle healing technique is.

Ultimate “How To” Guide for Meditation

(Individual registration for general public $37.00.  For Registered Students this workshop is INCLUDED in your tuition. This event is optional  for Registered Students)

Class Description

Your journey to change begins with our fascinating evening session exploring the life management skill of meditation.  I will share with you my concept of what meditation is, and isn’t.

One of the keys to being an effective Reiki Practitioner for others and yourself is to cultivate the skill of being observant. To be able to observe we must bring our awareness to the present moment.

That’s all I’m going to tell you for now! <grin> I will offer you a sneak peak at our DVD training program called The Ultimate How To Guide for Meditation that we will give you during the workshop.

(Individual registration for general public $47.00.  For Registered Students this workshop is INCLUDED in your tuition. This event is part of the Reiki Certification curriculum therefore a required class for Registered Students)

Class Description

During your Friday evening workshop we will take a fascinating journey into the world of  “Energy Psychology”.  One of the keys to releasing both physical and emotional blockages is in discovering the root cause.  So often we try and treat the symptoms and not the root cause. When we find this sometimes elusive “ground zero” and balance and/or release the issues the healing truly does flow from the inside out.

When that happens the healing transformation is fast, effective, and long lasting.

Using our energy centers called “Chakras” we will discover a whole new perspective on the secrets our body’s are constantly trying to reveal to us that we  never really saw before.

Watch a short video clip I did from an interview talking about being an Energetic Detective.

(The Saturday and Sunday workshop are only open to Registered Students for Registered Students)

Saturday morning begins a fantastic weekend of discovery and transformation as we journey into the core of what Reiki is.

We will discuss the philosophies and principles of Reiki and why it is as incredibly powerful yet profoundly gentle and non-invasive at the same time.

Your morning session will culminate in an activity that we as teacher truly enjoy called the Attunement.  This truly is the moment that everything changes.

After a long relaxing break for lunch we gather for our afternoon sessions. In these sessions we will help you to understand this new awareness you have received and how you can use it to treat your first client – the one inside your own skin.

It all begins with you. As you change, and grow, and develop those around you will begin to change simply by being in your presence.

We will also introduce you to a mind stretching technique called Distance Healing Reiki where we will explain why it works and how you can use it to not only treat yourself and/or your friends but people across the city and even the world!

Sunday morning the fun really begins! We bring out the massage table and you get to experiment in both giving and receiving a Reiki Treatment.

Under the guidance of your teacher we will walk you through each step of a treatment and explain not just what to do but why you are doing it.

Our final workshop for the weekend will immerse you in the philosophy, practice, and experience of using Reiki to manifest your goals and desires.

Here the sky is the limit. Or more accurately I should say the sky is YOUR limits. The only limitations to experiencing the life of adventure and destiny that lay inside each one of us resides firmly between our two ears.

We will combine powerful manifestation and visualization techniques with your new found abilities to affect change with Reiki for an experience that can establish a foundation for changes and revelations you may have never thought possible.

We say our goodbyes after our final sessions and release each one of you to change your world!

Not before taking you on a tour of one of the most powerful aspects of your training our Reiki Online Academy. It is our strongest desire to support you in whatever we can not only during the workshops but for your lifetime afterward.

Your registration in the Reiki Online Academy begins after the weekend and ends …. well … it doesn’t! You enjoy a lifetime membership in the unprecedented support and life long learning opportunities.


One of the facets of the weekend that our students really enjoy, as do we, is the interesting and provocative direction the weekend will take. As teachers we maintain a high degree of sensitivity to the subtle nuances, (and sometimes not so subtle) which ultimately cause each session we host to be unique. I noticed early on in my teaching career as a Reiki Certificate Trainer that there is significant value in not being tied to a rigid structure and schedule when delivering the course material. I am happy to say that, because of this sensitivity and willingness to be flexible, our students receive the absolute best experience possible. This trait is mirrored in all my teachers.

These sessions are delivered in a relaxed and informal teaching environment. Our desire is that your day with us be not only educational and invigorating but a refreshing escape from the rigors of our busy modern lifestyle.

Our teachers are dedicated and committed to offering whatever they can to assist you during the learning process in the online video lab pre-retreat modules, the transformational weekends, and the learning that really begins on Monday morning when you wake up to greet a brand new day with a brand new you. We not only are available but also encourage you to contact us for any questions, clarifications, support, or even just to chat.

This is why we keep our classes small. You will have unprecedented access to two of our teachers who will be delivering the class. With the largest class size we take being only eight students you can be assured you will receive one on one coaching.


A small sampling of the highlights of our time together

  • The amazingly gentle yet incredibly powerful healing art of Reiki
  • How to treat yourself, and others, even over distances!
  • Simple, powerful technique for releasing unwanted and traumatic emotions from events in our past.
  • Understand what emotions really are and techniques for managing them, rather than allowing them to control us.
  • Personal, hands on teaching and training.
  • Very small class sizes (no more than eight students with two teachers)
  • Life time access to our exclusive online Reiki Academy for unprecedented support for when the time comes to implement what you have learned.

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For details on either workshops and to register click on the graphics above.

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Phone: 213-599-7472 (California)
Phone: 1-888-584-5478 Toll Free

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: Register before Early Bird date listed above and receive a sponsorship of $200.00 towards your tuition. Remainder of any partial paid tuitions to be forwarded by tuition dates listed above. Details listed on Tuition webpage.

Russ Littau
Founder of The Healing Center
Join myself and my teaching team for the experience of a lifetime!

Click on the graphic above for an outline of the abundance of course materials that are yours to take with you after the workshops.